First SUSTRACK Publication in Sustainable Production and Consumption: discover more!

“Barriers to transitioning to a circular bio-based economy: Findings from an industrial perspective” We’re excited to share SUSTRACK first publication: the first paper stemming from SUSTRACK project was published in Sustainable Production and Consumpion, thanks to the great effort and collaboration of many partners, namely UnitelmaSapienza, Tecnalia, University of Ferrara and Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung …

Support SUSTRACK research by completing our survey on barriers hindering the sustainable transition!

Are you an expert of circular bio-based economy, working in construction, plastics, chemicals or textile sectors? Then, you are the one we are looking for! Circular bio-based economy is currently a hot topic for research, industries and policy makers. SUSTRACK is currently reaching out to experts in this field to understand the different perspectives on …

Second SUSTRACK Press Release

Happy 1st birthday, SUSTRACK! Rome, 31/10/2023 – Happy birthday, SUSTRACK project! Funded by the European Commission as a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) and led by the UnitelmaSapienza University of Rome, the three-year project aims at supporting the identification of policy priorities and recommendations for designing a sustainable track towards circular bio-based systems, and has …

Happy 1st birthday, SUSTRACK: first newsletter is out!

Funded by the European Commission as a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) and led by the UnitelmaSapienza University of Rome, the three-year SUSTRACK project aims at supporting the identification of policy priorities and recommendations for designing a sustainable track towards circular bio-based systems, and has now reached its first year of activities. Discover the results achieved …

SUSTRACK INSPIRE Conference: let’s inspire and be inspired!

Are you a stakeholder involved or interested in plastics, construction, textile, and chemical sectors? Join SUSTRACK INSPIRE Conference to have your say on what is really important for promoting a sustainable transition! SUSTRACK is organising the INSPIRE Conference, designed to explore the insights of the circular bioeconomy, combining the research findings with current project developments …

SUSTRACK project invited at “Biocircularcities unlocked – The Brussels stop”

Next 28 September, SUSTRACK will gather in Brussels with no less than 8 like-minded projects and a wide array of professionals and experts in bioeconomy to exchange on the future of a circular bioeconomy in Europe. The public conference “Biocircularcities unlocked – The Brussels stop” (whole programme here) is the final event of the BBI-JU …

SUSTRACK project at the event “Sharing our Experiences – Transferring Insights from International Projects to Agricultural Policymaking”

SUSTRACK project has been chosen to be presented in the event titled “Sharing our Experiences – Transferring Insights from International Projects to Agricultural Policymaking”. This event took place on August 17, 2023, as an in-person gathering in Nitra, Slovakia. The workshop was attended by a diverse group of stakeholders, including policymakers (representatives from pertinent sections …

SUSTRACK focus group workshop – “Limits, barriers and solutions to boost the transition towards a circular bio-based economy”

Are you a stakeholder interested in plastics, construction, textile, and chemical sectors? Join SUSTRACK focus group workshop to boost the transition from linear fossil-based economy to circular bio-based economy! SUSTRACK is organizing thefocus group workshop “Limits, barriers and solutions to boost the transition towards a circular bio-based economy”, which will be held online on June …

SUSTRACK-BIOTRANSFORM Projects Cooperation Launching Event

On March 9th, 2023 SUSTRACK project organized a Cooperation Launching Event, in which EC representatives and key partners from SUSTRACK and BIOTRANSFORM projects met together with the final aims of identifying similarities and differences and possible synergies among projects, setting up a roadmap for cooperation and operationalizing the collaboration among the two sister projects. After …

SUSTRACK joined as one of the funding members ECOSYSTEX, the European Community of Practice for a Sustainable Textile Ecosystem

SUSTRACK is part of the 17 EU-funded member projects focusing on textile sustainability, ECOSYSTEX–European Community of Practice for a Sustainable Textile Ecosystem, which has been formally launched in early 2023. ECOSYSTEX mission is to accelerate collaboration in the textile sustainability and circularity field. ECOSYSTEX is a joint initiative of the European Commission’s Research Executive Agency …