Circular bioeconomy: A review of empirical practices across implementation scales
We’re excited to share a new SUSTRACK publication: the second paper stemming from SUSTRACK project was published in the Journal of Cleaner Production, thanks to the great effort and collaboration of our partners Tecnalia, UnitelmaSapienza, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) and CIRCE Foundation.
The European Commission has endorsed the transition to a circular bioeconomy as a crucial initiative to achieve a sustainable and climate-neutral European Union. However, this transition is inherently complex, as it involves environmental and social risks, physical limitations, and trade-offs between different dimensions of sustainability. In this context, effective monitoring and modelling of the bioeconomy are essential tools to inform decision-making at various implementation scales.
In this research, the authors reviewed how monitoring and modelling approaches inform bioeconomy transition decisions across three key implementation scales: macro (national-global), meso (regional-city), and micro (product-company). They analysed knowledge gaps and proposed a research agenda that offers specific policy recommendations for improving decision-making at each scale, ensuring more effective integration of these tools across levels for better policy outcomes.
Read the full publication here!