First SUSTRACK Press Release

Design a sustainable track towards a circular bio-based economy: The SUSTRACK project will make it possible

Rome, 08/02/2023 – The SUSTRACK project gets to the core of its activities after the first preparatory phase. Funded by the European Commission as a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) and coordinated by the UnitelmaSapienza University of Rome, the three-year project aims at supporting the identification of policy priorities and recommendations for designing a sustainable track towards circular bio-based systems.

“The transition from linear fossil-based systems to circular and bio-based systems represents an opportunity and a suitable pathway for achieving several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” says Piergiuseppe Morone, professor and researcher at UnitelmaSapienza University of Rome and SUSTRACK project coordinator. He adds “circular bio-based systems depict a great opportunity to reconcile sustainable long-term growth with environmental protection through the cautious use of renewable resources for industrial purposes. This needed transition is a complex process, which does not simply require innovative technologies from the supply-side, but also societal transformations based on a multi-actor process.” Gülşah Yilan, the SUSTRACK project manager highlights that “with the SUSTRACK project, we aim to support policy-makers and industries in their efforts to develop sustainable pathways to replace fossil-based, carbon-intensive systems with circular, bio-based systems.”

Download the Press Release for more detailed information here.

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