First SUSTRACK workshop among projects in standardisation, certification, labelling and monitoring

On February 14, 2023 the first Mobilisation and Mutual Learning workshop of the EuBioNet working group in “Standardisation, certification, labelling and monitoring” took place as a fruitful meeting organised under SUSTRACK project. The event engaged 12 EU funded projects and 40 active participants in a discussion to facilitate networking, collaboration, share methodologies, lessons and plan future activities in order to …

First SUSTRACK Press Release

Design a sustainable track towards a circular bio-based economy: The SUSTRACK project will make it possible Rome, 08/02/2023 – The SUSTRACK project gets to the core of its activities after the first preparatory phase. Funded by the European Commission as a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) and coordinated by the UnitelmaSapienza University of Rome, the …