On March 9th, 2023 SUSTRACK project organized a Cooperation Launching Event, in which EC representatives and key partners from SUSTRACK and BIOTRANSFORM projects met together with the final aims of identifying similarities and differences and possible synergies among projects, setting up a roadmap for cooperation and operationalizing the collaboration among the two sister projects.
After a brief introduction by the main organiser and by Silvia Maltagliati, Policy Officer at the European Commission, DG RTD, the two sister projects provided a detailed overview of the main objectives, expected outcomes, sectors of interest, methodologies and tools, Work Packages overview of objectives and activities. During the second part of the workshop, the participants interacted with the collaborative online tool MIRO board: similarities and differences between the two sister projects were identified, and as a result synergies and areas of collaboration, defining an initial common action plan.
Finally, a Permanent Liaison Round Table (PLRT) composed by two representatives per involved project has been established, with the final aims of facilitating the coordination of methodologies, activities, events and publications; ensuring wide dissemination of projects’ results and the effective exchange of policy implications; maximising projects’ impact across Europe and setting up the methodological approach for joint development of policy recommendations.